
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
The young evangelicals: revolution in orthodoxy Quebedeaux, Richard
The Billy Graham religion Barnhart, Joe E., 1931-
D.L. Moody Moody, William R.
Les Conflits du dialogues Seguy, Jean
Culture and personality Wallace, Anthony F.C.
Lords and lamas: a solitary expedition across the secret Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan Peissel, Michel
A century of Adventism in the British Isles British Union Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists
Reiyūkai shi nenpyō / [Reiyūkaishi Nenpyō Henshū Iinkai] = 霊友会史年表 / [霊友会史年表編集委員会].
Reiyūkai. Vol. 1
Bahm, Archie J.
1969 BQ 8372 .R456 REI
The religion of Protestants : the Church in English society 1559-1625 Collinson, Patrick

Patrick Collinson.
198.3233 COL
Twelve years in a monastery. 3rd ed. McCabe, Joseph