
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
Liao Fun's Four Lessons: ancient Chinese wisdom for today's modern world Liaofan Yuan, 1533-1606.

by Liao Fan Yuan.
London: Tse Qigong Centre 188.6 LIA
Brotherhood. The child: our responsibilities and opportunities Ensor, Beatrice

by Beatrice Ensor.
London: Brotherhood 169.3 ENS / BRO
Religious organization: a trend report and bibliography Beckford, James A.
Special issue: Tibetan art Royal Academy Magazine

Royal Academy.
London: Royal Academy of Arts 702.098229 ROY
The life of the Buddha Beck, L. Adams (Lily Adams), d. 1931.

by L. Adams Beck; introduction by G.F. Maine; illustrated by Marjorie Anderson.
London & Glasgow: Collins 182.8 BEC
The worship of Shugden : documents related to a Tibetan controversy Central Tibetan Administration-in-Exile (India). Dept. of Religion and Culture

Department of Religion and Culture, Central Tibetan Administration.
Dharamsala : Dept. of Religion and Culture, Central Tibetan Administration 180.92 SHU / CEN
Why meditate... Wettimuny, Mithra

a talk given by Mithra Wettimuny.
Edgware : Gamini (Bo) Vitarana 181.9 WET
Theosophy and public opinion: articles Blavatsky, H.P. (Helena Petrovna), 1831-1891.

by H.P. Blavatsky.
Los Angeles: Theosophy Company Selected articles from the Theosophist, Lucifer and the Path. 169.3 BLA / THE
Other sheep: a study of the peoples of India, with particular reference to the collusion between Christianity and Hinduism Begbie, Harold

by Harold Begbie.
London: Hodder & Stoughton 162.25 BEG
Myths of Crete and pre-Hellenic Europe Mackenzie, Donald A. (Donald Alexander), 1873-1936.

by Donald A. Mackenzie.
London: Gresham 164.395 MAC