
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
The Hindu-yogi science of breath Ramacharaka, Yogi, 1862-1932.

by Yogi Ramacharaka.
London: Fowler 126.66 HIN / RAM
Über den Gemeinspruch: Das mag in der Theorie richtig sein, aber nicht für die Praxis Kant, Immanuel

Immanual Kant.
Leipzig: Felix Meiner 134.2 KAN
C.W. Leadbeater: a great occultist Hodson, Sandra & van Thiel, Mathias J.

compiled by Sandra Hodson and Mathias J. van Thiel.
compilers 169.3 LEA / GRE
Culture and personality Wallace, Anthony F.C.
Theosophy and H.P.B.: articles Blavatsky, H.P. (Helena Petrovna), 1831-1891.

H.P. Blavatsky.
Los Angeles: Theosophy Company Selected articles from Theosophy Magazine. 169.3 BLA / THE
Notices of Chinese Buddhism Edkins, Joseph

by Rev. J. Edkins.
?? 182.22 EDK
Branching streams flow in the darkness : Zen talks on the Sandokai Suzuki, Shunryū, 1904-1971.

Shunryu Suzuki ; edited by Mel Weitsman and Michael Wenger.
Berkeley etc. : University of California Press "The 'Sandokai', a poem by the 8th-century Zen master Sekito Kisen is the subject of this collection of lectures. Included with the lectures are student questions and Suzuki Roshi's answers, along with a meditation instruction." 188.81 SUZ
Death -- and after? Besant, Annie Wood, 1847-1933.

by Annie Besant.
London: Theosophical Publishing House 169.3 BES / DEA
What's Buddhism? Chi, Hsung Hen

Chinese version by Hsu Heng Chi; English translation by P.H. Wei.
Hong Kong: H.K. Buddhist Book Distributor Reprint. 181 CHI
Nikko yuikaiokimon: o haishite
On the twenty-six admonitions of Nikko Shonin
Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda.
Tokyo: SGI 188.91 NIK / IKE