
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
The African churches of Tanzania Ranger, T.O.

by T.O. Ranger.
Nairobi : East African Publishing House 192.4 RAN
The mysteries of the spiritual ascent Gall, Edward

by Edward Gall.
London: Theosophical Publishing House (London) 169.3 GAL / MYS
Spiritualism and society Nelson, Geoffrey K.
Early Buddhist jurisprudence (Theravada Vinaya-laws) Bhagvat, Durga N.

by Durga N. Bhagvat.
New Delhi: Cosmo Reprint. 183.011 VIN / BHA
The first Field Marshall and the King's mistress: 1st Earl and Countess of Orkney Bolger, Angela

text by Angeala Bolger.
Taplow: SGI-UK 188.982 TAP / BOL
Theosophy and the Theosophical movement: articles Blavatsky, H.P. (Helena Petrovna), 1831-1891.

by H.P. Blavatsky.
Los Angeles: Theosophy Company Selected articles from the Theosophist, Lucifer and the Path. 169.3 BLA / THE
The New Testament in Hebrew and English
Edgware: Society for Distributing the Holy Scriptures Judaism
The eternal poles Bragdon, Claude Fayette, 1866-1946.

by Claude Bragdon.
London: Rider 169.3 THE / BRA Jong hakushi no choukyo wo itamu
Mourning the passing of Dr. J.W. de Jong
Itou, Tsuguto & Etou, Shinkichi
Tokyo: Zaidanhoujin Touhou Gakkai Offprint, Tohogaku 100th series. JWD
The economic and social origins of Gnosticism Green, Henry A.