
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
The essence of Christianity Feuerbach, Ludwig

by Ludwig Feuerbach; translated from the German by George Eliot; introductory essay by Karl Barth; foreword by H. Richard Niebuhr.
New York: Harper & Row English translation first published: 1854. This ed. first published: 1957. 134.5 FEU
The Raghuvamsha of Kalidasa; with the commentary (the Sanjivani) of Mallinatha. Vol. I: cantos I - VII Kalidasa

with a literal translation into English, copious notes in Sanskrit and English and various readings etc. etc. by Moreshwar Ramchandra Kale.
Bombay: Sharadakridan Press 929.88 RAG / KAL
The Patna Congress and the "man" Rhys Davids, Caroline Augusta Foley, 1858-1942.

by C.A.F. Rhys Davids.
London : Royal Asiatic Society Offprint, Journal of The Royal Asiatic Society, January 1929, pp.27-36. 182.25 DAV
Shobogenzo-zuimonki: sayings of Eihei Dogen Zenji, recorded by Koun Ejo Dōgen, 1200-1253.

translated by Shohaku Okumura.
Tokyo: Soto-shu Shumucho 188.83 DOG / OKU
Myths and legends of ancient Greece and Rome. 10th ed. Berens, E.M.

by E.M. Berens.
London & Glasgow: Blackie 164.395 BER
Hokekyo genten
A manuscript of the Lotus Sutra: manuscript
Tripitaka. Sutrapitaka. Saddharmapundarikasutra
Koryo Buddhist paintings
internet 702.09821 KOR
The young evangelicals: revolution in orthodoxy Quebedeaux, Richard
Meditations: a book of sayings Baba David

Baba David.
167.81 BAB
Shinto as seen by foreign scholars Anzu, Motohiko

by Motohiko Anzu.
Tokyo: Nippon Bunka Chuo Renmei (Central Federation of Nippon Culture) Reprint. First published: Cultural Nippon, v.VI (4), 1938. 170 ANZ