
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
Shinto as seen by foreign scholars Anzu, Motohiko

by Motohiko Anzu.
Tokyo: Nippon Bunka Chuo Renmei (Central Federation of Nippon Culture) Reprint. First published: Cultural Nippon, v.VI (4), 1938. 170 ANZ
The law of rebirth Besant, Annie Wood, 1847-1933.

from the writings of Annie Besant.
London: Theosophical Publishing Society 169.3 BES / LAW
How to study religious experience in the traditions Antes, Peter, 1942-

Peter Antes.
Leeds: BASR 161 BAS / ANT
Dialogues concerning natural religion Hume, David

by David Hume; edited with introduction by Henry D. Aitken.
New York: Hafner Reprint. This ed. first published: 1948. 133.3 HUM
An animals' bill of rights Hodson, Geoffrey, 1886-1983.

Geoffrey Hodson.
Wheaton, Ill.: American Theosophist Offprint, American Theosophist, pp.18-19. 169.3 HOD / AN
How to practise Buddhism Dhammananda, K. Sri

Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda.
Kuala Lumpur: Buddhist Missionary Society 181.022 DHA
Britain's message to the modern world Hawliczek, I.A.

I.A. Hawliczek.
London: Theosophical Publishing House 169.3 HAW / BRI
Pali is the mother of Sanskrit Ee, HaBir Angar

by HaBir Angar Ee.
Nagpur: Tarachand Chavhan 829.88 EE
The Confucian analects Confucius

translated from the Chinese with annotations & an introduction by William Jennings.
London & New York: Routledge 123.83 CON
Mental culture in Buddhism (based on the Mahasatipatthanasutta) Silva, Lily de

Prof. (Mrs) Lily de Silva.
Sri Lanka: Roslyn Perera Jayewardene Trust 181.022 SIL